Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY Ranch or Tartar Sauce

I posted a comment on Facebook recently about a not so yogurty batch of yogurt i made. It has since become tangier after sitting a bit longer in the fridge, but a reader left me a great idea on how to utilize yogurt that may be less than up to snuff: make Ranch Dressing!

I for one, have never been much of a ranch eater. It's just so clearly fattening. But it is delicious, and my hubs sure likes it - so i decided to give it a shot. This 'recipe' sounds just up my alley. Unfortunately, i'm lacking any homegrown veggies so my additives this time around were pretty scant, just some garlic, salt, pepper and paprika. I remembered that i had some multiplying onions in a pot out on the porch at the last minute, so i chopped some of them up as well. The resultant sauce is tangy, rich (but not toooo creamy) and delightful for dipping or as a side. I imagine you could add more lemon juice and maybe some relish and turn it into tartar sauce!

Do you have a fun recipe that utilizes homemade yogurt?

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