Thursday, March 10, 2011

Job Hunting

I recently took a job as a cake decorator at Baskin Robbins. I love my job! I've done the job before, so i'm picking it back up quickly. There's truly no better outlet for a childrens illustrator/ foodie than making delicious and beautiful ice cream cakes- other than the fact that said illustrator is also addicted to food and highly sensitive to sugar. I cry at night. hahaha.

Needless to say, with marketing my illustration career (or sad lack therof at times), decorating cakes part time, gardening, working for Yard Farm Austin part time and preparing a house for imminent sale (!) I've been a bit busy. On top of all of those things, my husband and i are on the eve of a great adventure and need to job hunt outside of this city. This is not easy. This is not enjoyable. This takes a lot of patience and time.

When i started this blog, i had a lot of time on my hands. Recently married and laid off, I focused my 'extra time' on honing my homesteading skills and writing about them for the benefit of myself and others. I love my blog. I love my readers. I love this online community of people striving to live more simple and efficient lives. I may have to limit my presence here for a while. I strive to write daily posts, but may have to cut a few days of the week out to focus on hands-on activities around this urban homestead and job hunting out of town, while working to pay the bills here. I will try to at least fill the gaps with posts of cute photos of my wonderful critters, as well as updates on our quest for an easy home sale and a fruitful move. Feel free to leave me comments with suggestions or encouragement - i'll need them!

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